Here are some marijuana use concerns to help you determine if you require support from our services
Marijuana tolerance and withdrawal. Just like any drug, regular use of marijuana can lead to the development of tolerance. This means that you need more and more of the drug in order to achieve the same high. Experiencing tolerance and/or withdrawal symptoms such as loss of appetite, irritability, insomnia, or anxiety, could indicate a physical dependence on marijuana.
Using more marijuana than intended. You may often start out thinking, “I’m just going to take a couple hits,” but end up smoking the whole joint.
Unable to cut back or stop marijuana use. You try to stop smoking marijuana, but you just can’t stay stopped. If you take a break, it doesn’t last long. You may find yourself justifying why it’s okay to get high when you’re trying to quit.
Lots of time spent getting high. If you take an objective look at how you spend your time, you might see that the bulk of it is spent either getting high, waiting to get high, or working on getting marijuana so that you can get high.
Reduced activities. You no longer feel motivated to engage in activities you used to enjoy. You might notice that your schedule has slowly been depleted of all physical or recreational activities and replaced with hanging out and getting high.
Continuing to use marijuana despite the problems it causes. You may have an awareness that marijuana is having a negative impact on your life, but you can’t find the motivation to make changes. You may have experienced some consequences such as being warned at work about showing up late or under the influence, or not doing well in classes, but that is not enough to motivate you to quit.
Using marijuana to escape from problems. Coping with life by using marijuana. You might feel like the only way you can handle stressors (bad grades, problems at work, relationship issues, etc.) is to get high.
Depending on marijuana to be creative, relax, or enjoy yourself. Feeling that you need to get high before engaging in creative or fun activities.
Choosing relationships or activities based on whether or not you will be able to use marijuana. Feeling that you need to get high before you feel comfortable in social settings. Spending time only with people who use marijuana.
An inability to attend to daily responsibilities. You have important responsibilities in your daily life but begin to consistently fail to see them through because you are under the influence.
Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome
Cannabis has been used to promote appetite in the treatment of HIV/AIDS-associated anorexia and wasting and to relieve chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting. Although cannabis may be used to treat nausea and vomiting, it may also cause a paradoxical syndrome of nausea and vomiting known as Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome (CHS). CHS is a clinical diagnosis characterized by chronic cannabis use. A unique feature of CHS is cyclic nausea and vomiting that may be unresponsive to standard antiemetic therapy but responsive to compulsive hot bathing.