As a faculty, teaching assistants or staff members, you are a key stakeholder in helping to address alcohol and drug use on campus. At times, you will have contact with students whose attitudes or behaviors may cause you concern, discomfort, or interfere in the education of other students. As a faculty or staff member, interacting daily with students, you are in an excellent position to recognize behavior changes in a student with an alcohol and/or drug problem.
ADP Behavioral Health Therapists offer individual free, confidential counseling and education about alcohol and drugs and other addictive/compulsive behaviors. If you know a student who you believe may be struggling with substance use problem or other addictive behavior, you can refer them directly to the UCSB Alcohol & Drug Program. You can also contact us for a consultation and/or additional information.
CONTACT ADP by email at: adp@sa.ucsb.edu or call 805-893-5013.
FOR AFTER HOURS 24/7 SUPPORT contact: UCSB CAPS (Counseling & Psychological Services) at 805-893-4411